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11th June 2023.

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Colouring in sheets from PRIMARY lessons

As we went into our 3rd COVID lockdown Mark Le Messurier and Madhavi Nawana Parker, the co-creators and authors of 'What's the Buzz?' decided to offer each of the 'Archie Stories' from the EARLY LEARNERS and PRIMARY versions as fun, colouring in activities.

Just click and print – it's easy.

Oh? If you want the stories that accompany the colouring in sheets, they come from 'What's the Buzz? for EARLY LEARNERS' and 'What's the Buzz? for PRIMARY Students'. They are likely in your child's school ready to be borrowed or they can be purchased from this website.

Tip: Set the print layout to landscape.

Each link below will open in a new tab.

Primary Lesson 1.1

Primary Lesson 1.2

Primary Lesson 2.1

Primary Lesson 2.2

Primary Lesson 3.1

Primary Lesson 3.2

Primary Lesson 4.1

Primary Lesson 4.2

Primary Lesson 5.1

Primary Lesson 5.2

Primary Lesson 6.1

Primary Lesson 6.2

Primary Lesson 7.1

Primary Lesson 7.2

Primary Lesson 8.1

Primary Lesson 8.2

Primary Lesson 9.1

Primary Lesson 9.2

Primary Lesson 10.1

Primary Lesson 10.2

Primary Lesson 11.1

Primary Lesson 11.2

Primary Lesson 12.1

Primary Lesson 12.2

Primary Lesson 13.1

Primary Lesson 13.2

Primary Lesson 14.1

Primary Lesson 14.2

Primary Lesson 15.1

Primary Lesson 15.2

Primary Lesson 16.1

Primary Lesson 16.2